As a nation, we Irish are branded as generally introverted,
certainly in relation to our US counterparts. This influences our work style,
our ways of communicating, how we design our office spaces. Yet, times are
changing. By 2025 three quarters of the workforce will be Millennials. Lisa
Smith of the training company EngageSmith noticed ‘that Millennials had a
different way of working than GenX or BabyBoomers’. This is a hot topic. At the
end of June KonnectAgain a Dublin based company which uses their platform to
connect alumni from organisations, held an event to explore this. Experts in
this area collectively summarised the desires of Millennials as; company
culture, flexibility, career and personal development. EngageSmith says
Millennials were raised to believe they can do anything. This is a generation
that came of age right at the beginning of the Celtic Tiger in Ireland.
So, this begs the question? Are Millennials more extroverted than
previous generations? Millennials have grown up in a ‘noiser’ world, more
social collaboration, constantly ‘on’ with technology and devices never far
away. Work environments are changing in line with this. Open plan office spaces
are the norm. A conversation with an employee in the construction industry in
New York recently described the office spaces he works on as ‘chicken farms’. A
recent New
York Times article stated that ‘The
average amount of space per office worker in North America dropped to 176
square feet in 2012, from 225 in 2010’. As a researcher into the introverted
experience I wondered where do introverts fit in this modern workplace? A 2015 Business Insider article was titled ‘Millennials
and Extroverts more likely to succeed in smaller offices’. Is the
assumption out there that Millennials are more extroverted? This article recognises
that this approach doesn’t always work for everyone and suggests the answer
many companies find is to balance this openness and collaborative approach with
separate spaces, one company calls them ‘refuge rooms’.
As an Irish born Gen X Introvert, I
know where I will be when I need to get some productive work done, in a quiet
space huddled away for hours at a time, my American born husband however a Gen
X Extrovert would most likely be found in the café surrounded by people. Are we
introverts a dying breed? Research shows that approximately 50% of the
workforce have introverted tendencies, with the growth of Millennials in the
workforce will this figure drastically reduce? Of course, genetics will always
play a role in these traits continuing but the nurture debate would strongly
support the argument that environment plays a large role in our personality
development. Susan Cain in her book ‘Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World
That Can’t Stop Talking’ discusses research that would state our temperament is
dictated by our genes but our personality is more influenced by our
environment. If that is the case how much more extroverted are Irish
Millennials who have grown up in a world entirely different to generations
before and how will this influence our corporate cultures in Ireland? Will
there be less variances between country specific workplace cultures as
Millennials themselves become a culture of its’ own? Perhaps only time will
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